Social media has become part of our daily lives, from Facebook and Instagram to Tik Tok and Twitter. We use our accounts to share photos, videos, and even personal thoughts for friends, family members, and even the public. Unfortunately, as you go through a divorce or child custody dispute, your social media activity may be used to gain an advantage in some situations. For example, your spouse could find out about any unfavorable things such as alcohol consumption and drug use, or other inappropriate content. Here are several tips to help protect yourself during a divorce in Oklahoma.
Stop posting altogether
You may feel like your life is spiraling out of control and it can temporarily provide relief to air your grievances on social media but posting anything related to your divorce or custody dispute will only make things more difficult for you. It can also be problematic to share posts that show you in questionable situations or locations around Tulsa, particularly if you are involved in a child custody dispute. Oftentimes, there are both friends and unknown enemies that have access to your social media account. These people can easily take screenshots of negative things you have posted online to share with your spouse. Quite simply, do not post anything about your divorce of custody dispute on social media, ever.
Change Your Passwords
You may not be able to stop a jealous or vengeful soon-to-be ex from logging onto your accounts, but you can take steps that will make it difficult for them. Suppose you have sensitive information on your phone, like passwords for e-mail accounts that contain personal pictures and videos from Dropbox or private conversations through Facebook messenger. It’s best not to share passwords with anyone else and make sure to change your password on all of these types of apps. Even if you think your spouse doesn’t know your passwords, you should still change them.
Do not delete your social media posts
Don't delete content that you have already posted. Your spouse may accuse you of attempting to conceal evidence and information, so it would be best not to do anything rash like deleting valuable data.
At Tiffany Graves Law, we understand that divorce and child custody situations are two of the most stressful situations an individual can go through. It can be extremely overwhelming and you may feel lost and betrayed by your soon to be ex, which makes your feelings even more difficult to process. It might seem like a good idea to share these things on social media, but it never is. Do not use social media as an avenue to deal with your feelings or share negative feelings about your ex and also refrain from sharing posts about your social life in general. It is important to realize that social media is not your therapist and these types of posts can backfire in many ways. If you are going through a divorce or child custody dispute in Tulsa, call Tiffany Graves Law to discuss your situation. You can trust us to help you navigate this unknown road ahead.