Many parents find themselves in the difficult position of co-parenting with someone with whom they have a tense or even hostile relationship. While it is certainly not easy to put aside past conflict, it is important to remember that the well-being of your children should always be your priority. You can do a few things to try to make co-parenting as effective as possible, even in difficult circumstances. Co-parenting can be challenging, but by following these tips, you can help to make it a bit easier.
Give Yourself Time To Adjust To The New Situation.
It can be difficult to transition from an adversarial relationship with your ex to a more cooperative one, but it is important to try if you want to make co-parenting work. Custody and visitation arrangements can be stressful, especially if there are disagreements about what is best for the children. However, remember that you and your ex are on the same team when it comes to raising your children. Try to focus on working together rather than against each other, and look for ways to compromise instead of arguing. If you can find a way to peacefully co-parent, it will make things much easier for everyone involved.
Be Respectful Of The Other Parent's Relationship With Your Children.
It can be difficult to co-parent with an ex, especially if the break-up was acrimonious. However, it's important to remember that your children need both parents in their lives. Using them to get back at your ex will only hurt them in the long run. If you have custody of your children, don't use visitation as a way to punish your ex. Likewise, if you're the one with visitation rights, don't use them as an opportunity to bad-mouth the other parent. Follow any custody and visitation orders in place, and try to be flexible if changes need to be made. By cooperative parenting, you can ensure that your children have a chance to thrive, even after your relationship has ended.
Refer To The Custody Agreement
Co-parenting with a problematic ex can be difficult, especially if you don't see eye to eye on parenting decisions. However, it's important to remember that you both have a legal obligation to your child, including following the custody agreement. The custody agreement is a legally binding document that outlines when each parent can see the child. So, even if your ex falls behind on their child support payments or stops paying altogether, they still have a right to visitation with the child.
Without a child custody agreement, the custody of the children will depend on whether you and your ex were married or whether paternity was established. While putting a child custody agreement in place may take some time and effort, it's worth knowing that your children are taken care of and that their future is secure.
Prepare For And Engage In The Right Conversations
After a divorce or break-up, it can be challenging to remain cordial with your ex. You may have different parenting styles or don't see eye-to-eye on anything. It's important to remember that you are no longer married or dating this person, so you don't owe them constant communication about your day-to-day affairs. However, you need to be available for conversation about your shared children. This includes making sure that the children are available for scheduled phone and online visitation. It's perfectly acceptable to set boundaries with your ex to maintain a healthy relationship for the sake of your children.
When In Doubt, Document Everything
Documentation can be a helpful tool if you find yourself in the situation of having to go back to court due to your ex's abusive, neglectful, or otherwise harmful behaviors. A pattern of this behavior can be difficult to prove without documentation, and it may be all that is necessary to show the court that your ex is acting in a way that is detrimental to you or your children. In more serious instances, documentation can be vital for protecting yourself or your children from further harm. For example, if you are in an abusive relationship, documentation can provide evidence of the abuse should you need to seek legal protection or take other action. Suppose your ex is neglecting their parental responsibilities. In that case, documentation can help to show the court that they are not meeting their obligations. In any case, documentation can be a valuable resource for protecting yourself and your children from harm.
Avoid Writing Or Saying Something That Could Be Used Against You In Court
It can be challenging to keep your cool when dealing with a difficult ex, especially with issues involving your children. However, anything you write or say to them could potentially be used against you in a child custody battle. Therefore, it is essential to remain calm and respectful, even if your ex behaves in a less than an ideal manner. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with everything they say or do, but it does mean refraining from engaging in personal attacks or name-calling. By maintaining a civil demeanor, you can help to ensure that any communications with your ex are respectful and constructive - two things that can certainly be important in a child custody case.
Find A Co-Parenting Support Group
Co-parenting with a difficult ex can be a real challenge. Finding a support group to help you learn how to co-parent and gain your footing is important. There are churches and secular groups that offer support groups both in-person as well as online. You may also want to consider therapy to help you deal with the stress of co-parenting. Ultimately, the goal is to do what's best for your children. This means finding a way to work with your ex constructively, even if it's not easy. With patience and effort, you can make co-parenting work for everyone involved.
Contact An Attorney About Your Oklahoma Custody Case
The experienced Tulsa family law attorneys at Tiffany Graves can help you with your custody case. She has successfully represented clients in a wide range of custody cases, and she can help you make progress in co-parenting with a difficult ex, establish custody, or establish paternity. Tiffany Graves will work diligently to protect your rights and the best interests of your children. Schedule your consultation now to get started on resolving your custody case.