Custody during a divorce can be heavily disputed, especially when one parent is seeking sole custody. In Oklahoma, however, there's a strong tendency to award joint custody for keeping both parents involved with the child's life. For example, a parent can have sole legal custody or physical custody. Physical custody refers to the location where a child stays, while legal custody gives one access and control of making decisions about their life, such as choosing which school they will attend.
Considerations To Take Into Account While Seeking Sole Custody
Sole custody is typically considered if joint custody would be impractical, harmful to the child's well-being, or for one of the parents has a history of abuse. For instance, it could occur in cases where both spouses have engaged in domestic violence or one parent has a substance addiction problem that affects their ability to raise children properly. A parent who feels threatened in any way should immediately contact the police. Victims of domestic violence can try to get a temporary restraining order against their spouse, which is something you may want to consider before filing for divorce or permanent separation from your abuser. When parents live far away from each other, physical custody may also be awarded in cases where children would have to move frequently between different cities or states. This could greatly disrupt their lives and create many difficulties for the child and the parent who is forced to take care of them often.
Many factors determine whether sole or joint custody is given. For example, in the case where one parent has been granted physical custody while sharing legal with their ex-spouse, visitation can be awarded even if a child spends more time at home with only one parent. Today, every family has a different situation and comes with its own set of problems. As such, the courts consider each case on an individual basis when determining custody agreements for children. Going after sole custody can be very complex. Tiffany Graves has years of experience handling custody disputes in Oklahoma.